The Indie Bible has been a staple for musicians and performing artists for over 20 years. Don’t leave it blank. Sign up for our press releases and pre-release material. She is a graduate of the University of Minnesota, where she worked at the award-winning student station, Radio K, and a graduate of the University of Westminster's Music Business MA program. If you're fortunate enough for a label to take you on, be careful what you sign. Impressing A&R in the first place is tough. Who cares? These days, record labels get inundated with demos and press releases by singers. If you're an aspiring musician with no contract, you're probably eager for a record label to sign you so you can get your career off to a solid start. So if you are selling and getting booked enough it’s telling you, that there is a demand for you and an audience to sell your music too. We have some great... Read more ». One of the major influences in signing artists is the currently trending genres in Music Industry. Start by following the label on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook so that if they do search for you then you are already on their radar. In most cases in order to be signed to a big label, you have to have a manager, lawyer, or agent who will contact the company on your behalf. Along with the demo, you will need to contextualise your work, as it is important for the record company to know what your influences are and how you would fit in as an artist. Before you think about approaching a record label, here are some helpful insider tips and tricks to help you get ahead of the pack and show you the easiest way to get signed to a record label. And you don’t have to sign to a major if that makes you uncomfortable. Unique individualised message an artist is portraying. Before you send your music to a record label make sure that you’ve done the appropriate research. Get informed. Include digital version of your press kit, sample music, and up-to-date contact information on your pages. Glam Metal (1986–1991) — Bon Jovi, Guns N’ Roses, etc., were the biggest commercial successes of this period. Learn to accept lots of rejection without giving up or letting it break your spirit. Creating a spreadsheet can help in properly targeting your submissions, and in keeping track of who you contacted, when, and if they replied or not. Knowing how to prepare a song for a recording studio session can save you valuable time and money. Does your cousin intern there? It goes a long way to getting them to read the email you send. Is it your best vocal performance or was it your first take and that will do? Tel: +44 (0) 1752 201275 Email:, Never take yourself too seriously, demonstrated perfectly by early Arctic Monkeys. We use cookies to make wikiHow great. Of course, you don't have to follow protocol. You’ll also want to include links to your website and social media presence. The Independent artist is growing and becoming the driver in overall expansion and focus. There are a few rules that it would be best to remember when you want to be picked up by a label. If you cannot afford a manager, agent, or attorney, don't lose hope! It's all too easy to accept anything in the excitement of your first signing and end up receiving the mouse's share of profits. Preparation is vital for a focused recording session that gets the best results and value for money. Record Label Demo Policies . Make sure the show is accessible, so the record label has a genuine chance of seeing you before they forget about you! Sometimes, for security purposes, labels delete emails with attachments right off the bat —if they don’t end up caught in the Spam folder first. You may have to play free shows at first in order to get publicity for your band. First, the record label needs to be aware that the band exists. 6161 Santa Monica Blvd. When approaching a label, you’ve got to have killer tunes, but you’ve also got to prove you’re committed to progressing in your career. Let them know you regularly pull in big crowds at your city’s most well-known venue, or you opened for a big act on their Southern California dates. Geffen. (Yes, this happens. Sure, submit your demo to the bigger name labels, but investigate the smaller ones, too. But, if you're in band, you need to cover all bases, to reach the optimum number of listens/sales, to boost your brand and to cast your net as far and wide as possible. I'm a struggling, shy, songwriter, who's been writing 6 years since I was 13 and got bored in, "This article really opened my eyes and made me re-think before submitting my work. If a person from A&R likes what they see in the band, they then have to convince the president of the label that the band would be a good fit (and a good investment). Labels don’t need a full-on press release: a couple succinct paragraphs will do. Whether indie or major, labels can provide promotion, arrange interviews with radio stations, manage bookkeeping and finances, coordinate sales and publicity, bolster an internet presence, manage contracts and other legal issues (such as any nasty lawsuits that might crop up), find producers, and develop the artistic look of an album. You can call or email the representative to follow up on a demo you've submitted, but don't expect a reply. Reach out to anyone who can put in a good word for you. Before you send your music out, it’s important that you know that you are ready for this step. You’ve spent time and effort writing your own material, so when it comes to laying down your tracks,... Read more ». People are busy and don’t have time to just take random meetings. It is best if you can record it during a proper session at a studio, The writing needs to be of a high standard or will the and the lyrics need to make sense to whoever is listening. It exists to establish an efficient method to deal with the demos that pour into even the smallest labels. How can I contact Atlantic Records? Get back in your practice space, write another clutch of bangers and send them to the same 30 labels and another 30 more. Planetary Group
They will assume you have just done a generic email sent to multiple people at once. After all, time is money and people aren’t going to listen to twelve songs in hopes of finding your best one. Suite 202
Of course, social media numbers and interaction also play a part in … Read on to catch some of the biggest mistakes bands make when contacting record labels, and to learn what you can do to set yourself up as the type of artist labels dream of signing. Here are some tips for getting your career started. For the label to sell your wares, they need to see some commitment and self-belief from your end. The truth is a lot of bands reach out to record labels before they’re really ready to get to the next level. Therefore, you need to affiliate yourself with the label and style of music they represent. But it’s really bad form to spam submissions to record labels. How can you stand out from the pack and let label executives know you’re ready to take your career to the next level? MP3 files can also take too long to download and can seem suspicious. Minimalism in Steve Reich, Philip Glass, and Radiohead, “Rainbow Connection” — Kermit The Frog and Debbie Harry, “If Not Us, Then Who?”: The Enduring Thrash Philosophy of Power Trip’s Riley Gale. If you’re thinking about just doing an album dropoff, you should probably reconsider. It should be eye-catching and professionally designed and edited. “That doesn’t exist on iTunes, it doesn’t exist on Amazon. Independent record labels, big or small, are only people. If you have a catchy track that gets people singing and bobbing their heads, then this is easily something that could be picked up by a label. The profit that the artist will make also depends on the contract. Do not send a generic email with thirty other labels CC’d. It generally isn’t enough to have one strong point alone. Last Updated: February 27, 2020 Read more about Indie Advance and how they can streamline your music distribution. Think about including some artwork on your demo, this shows the label that you have really thought about every possible aspect and they will be more likely to give your music a listen. People send their music to businesses with absolutely nothing to do with the record industry.). This demonstrates you’re capable of building a fanbase who will support your artistic efforts financially. Imagine reading your demo submission from a record label employee’s point of view. On an even more basic level, addressing your email or physical mail submission to an actual person at the label gives you a higher chance of them at least opening it. Shawn Cohen and Jon Vetri are the A&R reps at Wind-up Records, with 10+ years of combined experience, launching acts like the Griswolds, Strange Talk, and more.
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