She was customarily identified with Ino, daughter of the Phoenician Cadmus; because she cared for the infant god Dionysus, the goddess Hera drove Ino (or her husband, Athamas) mad so that she and her son, Melicertes, leaped terrified into the sea. Unnatural World Wiki is a FANDOM Lifestyle Community. kgl. As leucrotae cannot be harmed with any metal created by man or god, Thalia and Luke decide to try using Greek fire to burn the beasts to death. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. In his dream he meet with a bunch of crow spirits who give him a special coat to be like them, and he is able to hunt with them for food, and eventually meets a nice female crow. This story was adapted thrice in film, being. Another story tells of a poor scholar who nearly dies of starvation near a temple. Let us know if you have suggestions to improve this article (requires login). S. 1633 4º, Folio 14v, A composite beast with a mouth that stretches from ear to ear. In general, however, in the popular piety…. They bore children to them. This feature is always prominent in illustrations of this very odd looking beast. Medieval Bestiary) - Hybrid of a lion and crocotta. Pliny the Elder [1st century CE] (Natural History, Book 8, 30): The leucrocota is the size of an ass, and has the neck, tail and breast of a lion, the haunches of a stag, cloven hooves, a badger's head, and a mouth that opens from ear to ear, with ridges of bone instead of teeth. There Melicertes’ body was found by his uncle Sisyphus, who removed it to Corinth and instituted the Isthmian games and sacrifices in his honour. Part of Apollo's curse on Hal was that he could only speak through the leucrotae. ... Greek mythology) - Ash tree nymph. Medieval bestiaries described the leopard as the result of a lion mating with a "pard": a mythical big cat resembling (and possibly based on shoddy accounts of) a cheetah. Wanted to write about this long ago, just found the question and remembered. It has an extremely wide mouth, that stretches from one ear to the other. Soul Absorption: Crocott'a can drain the soul of any human they kill. Hyena do have very powerful teeth and jaws and can digest a wide range of foods. Disclaimer: While it is the intention of the foremost members of this website to keep pages as mythologically accurate as possible, this site should not be taken fully as mythical, legendary or folkloric canon (let alone as a resource for any paper, report or journal). Athamas and Ino incurred the wrath of the goddess Hera because Ino had nursed the god Dionysus (, Greek mythology, body of stories concerning the gods, heroes, and rituals of the ancient Greeks. Leviathan. The real life phenomenon "hybrid vigor" gives this an element of. Appearance. 1 Description 2 Behavior 3 Family 4 Theory 5 Powers 6 Weakness This beast was first written about by Pliny in his work Natural History (book VIII, chapter 30). Pliny said that the offspring of a crocotta and a lion was the leucrota (or leucrocuta, leucrocotta, or leocrocotta), which could imitate the sound of a human voice. . There are many famous Chinese myths and stories that involve Interspecies Romance. The story goes that there was a king who was fighting a war with another. Leucrotae or Leucrota are monsters that appear in The Demigod Diaries. TVTropes is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. 1 Origins 2 Appearance 3 Behavior 4 Abilities 5 Weaknesses From Africa, to various European countries including Greece, sightings in america, confirmed and unconfirmed. It had the ability to imitate the voices of men to lure prey. The dog-wolf crocotta and the antelope-like leucrota were clearly meant to be two different types of animals, but because of their alleged blood relation, the similarity of their names, and their supposed ability to speak with a human voice, the authors of bestiaries often mistook one for another. It has an extremely … One should never get too close, is curious of every day human life.
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