Press J to jump to the feed. I thought it sharing my experiences might help others considering the knife in the future. Sharpness: At 15 degrees per side, the blade boasts an ultra-sharp 50/50 symmetrical grind. An In-Depth and Unbiased Review, 5 Cheaper Alternatives to All-Clad Cookware, Made In Carbon Steel Cookware (In-Depth Review), Caraway Cookware: An In-Depth Review (With Pictures), Abbio Cookware: An In-Depth Review (With Pictures). It features a slightly grippy texture to prevent your hand from slipping. The half bolster design (the thick part of the blade that tapers into the handle) allows you to use and sharpen the entire edge, but it doesn’t act as a finger guard like the full-bostlers you’ll find on Wüsthof Classic knives do (check out my review of Wüsthof Classic knives to learn more). It's funny, my experience was very similar. I got the Victorinox a few years ago and don't remember what I paid. Review: Misen Chef's Knife. I also shaved an embarrassingly large patch of hair off my leg when I got it - it was significantly sharper out of the box than any knife I've used before. Your review kind of makes me feel better for not buying the knife impulsively since I would've felt a bunch of buyers remorse after the fact. I do not recommend buying from this company. All Rights Reserved. I still stand by my initial review after testing multiple production line copies of the knife. I've heard mixed reviews of how the Vicorinox "holds", are they easy to manage in the hand? If anyone is especially interested, I can post some pictures of the Misen post-sharpening later on. The high carbon content provides excellent sharpness and durability. The Misen portfolio is limited to six knives and a steak knife set. Before we dive into the details, let’s review some key facts about the Misen 8-Inch chef’s knife.. Materials and Construction: The full-tang stamped blade (steel from butt to tip) is made from premium Japanese AICHI AUS-10 steel.The high carbon content provides excellent sharpness and durability. For about a week after I let them know I shipped it out, I did not receive any communication. The synthetic handle material is attached firmly to the tang by two exposed steel rivets — another feature common among quality knives. Rare wood handles or specialized blade work such as hand hammering or Granton edges aren’t part of Misen’s portfolio. To benchmark its performance, I recently compared the Misen Chef’s Knife versus the Made In Chef’s Knife. The Misen knives are not exactly bad (I use one as a "guest" knife), but you're right, there are better options for not much more money. You are smarter than she is. It’s sharp and easy to clean, maintain, and sharpen. At that point, I started to consider doubling, tripling, and even quadrupling my knife budget since it just got so damn interesting. tldr; Quality Control on these knives is awful, with HRC as low as 51.5 in spots on these knives due to terrible heat treatments and questionable steel quality. I had done lots of research but didn't find many user reviews before I bought it. I contacted Misen and they sent the Chef's knives 2 weeks later. My impression (having never used one) has always been that it was trying to surpass the Victorinox and whether it does that or not I don't really know. There were a few tiny chips that I noticed when slicing through paper, but they were smaller and there were fewer than the first knife. I ended up buying the Misen despite the warning signs because I trusted the Serious Eats review. Here’s the bottom line — I have no complaints about the Misen 8-inch Chef’s Knife’s performance. It sounds like the Misens are either not being well heat treated or whoever is initially sharpening them is a butcher. Since the beginning, investors have been behind this brand, evidenced by the wild success of the Misen 8-Inch Chef’s Knife and its $1 million+ Kickstarter campaign. Even though the knife doesn’t meet every standard like the highest-end chef’s knives, it’s still a great buy. In this in-depth review of the Misen 8-Inch chef’s knife, you’ll learn: So, if you’re shopping for a quality kitchen knife and considering the Misen 8-inch chef’s knife, keep reading. The final straw came when I tried to make BLTs, and the knife mushed the tomatoes unless I used an exaggerated slicing motion. I swear that guy sold his soul. You can disagree with someone without accusing them of being a sell out or a shill. The Misen knives are not exactly bad (I use one as a "guest" knife), but you're right, there are better options for not much more money. © 2020 Prudent Reviews LLC. The Misen was $65, although there are often discount codes floating around. She's got her heart set on this "I only need these three knives" and while she will probably, at some point, need to see for herself that there is better out there, I'd like to start her out right. The blade is made from AUS-10 steel, a high-carbon Japanese steel touted for durability and edge retention. Overall, this knife gets the job done. Both performed exceptionally well. So there’s not a ton of variety if you like to browse multiple collections and styles. Use the links below to navigate this review: Before we dive into the details, let’s review some key facts about the Misen 8-Inch chef’s knife. I'm honestly not sure what the problem could be. I have been waiting since July for a replacement knife. It’s razor-sharp out of the box and holds its edge well. Since Misen sells direct and doesn’t go through middlemen in the selling process, it can offer much lower prices than the competition. For example, the Chefsteps immersion circulator is produced in China, and no one has ever complained about them, and they're always considered to be the best circulators in terms of robustness and quality (usability is subjective lol). The sharpness out of the box was roughly comparable to the Victorinox. Cookies help us deliver our Services. Thankfully, Misen offers free lifetime sharpening to all its customers. How are Misen knives so affordable? A place for all things chef knives. Misen offers three handle colors in matte shades of light blue, black, and gray. I’ve tried both and Tojiro is a professional knife. I used the knife for about 2 weeks worth of cooking (including chopping onions, carrots, celery, cutting meat, slicing chicken into chicken fingers). But, Made In supports their steel with a lifetime warranty, where Misen does not offer a warranty.More broadly, Made In’s line also includes a non-stick skillet, where Misen is just stainless steel. No fingerguard: I would love a finger guard between the bolster and blade, but that is the sacrifice made for having more surface area for the cutting edge. Misen. Misen Chef’s Knife versus the Made In Chef’s Knife. This knife has one of the longest handles I’ve seen on an 8-inch blade. To my surprise, I see the wired post and then wanted to see if there were more comments from individual users. After a few weeks, it's edge is still perfectly sharp.
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