(Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1775-1779 US Newspaper Directory, Herald of Gospel Liberty 07/05/1811 to 01/21/1814 Genealogy Bank, Herald. (Philadelphia, Pa.) 1828-1829 US Newspaper Directory, Aurora General Advertiser 11/08/1794 to 12/31/1807, 01/24/1818 to 12/31/1818, and 01/01/1820 to 11/19/1824 Genealogy Bank, Aurora General Advertiser 1794-1814 Newspapers.com, Aurora General Advertiser. (Philadelphia, Pa.) 1824-1828, Aurora. (Philadelphia) 1970-1971 US Newspaper Directory, Tickler 09/16/1807 to 11/17/1813 Genealogy Bank, Tickler [Electronic Resource]. Diocese of Pennsylvania (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania)), Disston Memorial Presbyterian Church, Baptisms, Births, Marriages, Deaths, 1872-1908 (in US Presbyterian Church Records collection), Disston Memorial Presbyterian Church, Baptisms, Births, Marriages, Deaths, 1877-1970 (in US Presbyterian Church Records collection), Disston Memorial Presbyterian Church, Baptisms, Births, Marriages, Deaths, 1909-1970 (in US Presbyterian Church Records collection), Early Quaker records of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Early clergy of Pennsylvania and Delaware, Early clergy of Pennsylvania and Delaware, Christ Church (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania : Episcopal : Second and Church St.); St. James' Church (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania : Episcopal); St. Peter's Church (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania : Episcopal) Christ Churc, Early marriage records of Pennsylvania churches : Christ Church of Philadelphia, 1709-1806, Early marriage records of Pennsylvania churches; First Baptist Church, Philadelphia, Early marriage records of Pennsylvania churches; First Presbyterian Church, Philadelphia, 1702-1745, 1760-1803, Early marriage records of Pennsylvania churches; Third Presbyterian Church, Philadelphia, 1785-1799, Early minutes of Philadelphia Monthly Meeting of Friends, 1682-1686, Early minutes of Philadelphia Monthly Meeting of Friends, 1686-1690, Early minutes of Philadelphia Monthly Meeting of Friends, 1700-1711, Early minutes of Philadelphia Monthly Meeting of Friends, 1711-1725, Early records of the First Reformed Church of Philadelphia, Early records of the First Reformed Church of Phildelphia, East Park Presbyterian Church, Baptisms, Births, 1948-1965 (in US Presbyterian Church Records collection), East Park Presbyterian Church, Baptisms, Births, Marriages, Deaths, 1942-1965 (in US Presbyterian Church Records collection), Eighteenth Street Methodist Episcopal Church Marriages 1873-1908, Emmanuel Presbyterian Church, Baptisms, Births, Deaths, 1926-1957 (in US Presbyterian Church Records collection), Extracts from the records of the Moravian Church, Philadelphia, 1743-1761, Extracts from the records of the Second Presbyterian Church, 1748-1798, 1864, Fairhill United Presbyterian Church, Baptisms, Births, Marriages, Deaths, 1893-1963 (in US Presbyterian Church Records collection), Fairhill United Presbyterian Church, Baptisms, Births, Marriages, Deaths, 1958-1970 (in US Presbyterian Church Records collection), Faith Presbyterian Church, Baptisms, Births, Marriages, Deaths, 1917-1941 (in US Presbyterian Church Records collection), Faith Presbyterian Church, Baptisms, Births, Marriages, Deaths, 1930-1969 (in US Presbyterian Church Records collection). (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1827-1828, National Record. (Philadelphia, Pa.) 1961-Current US Newspaper Directory, South Philadelphia Review. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1823-1833, Philadelphia Gazette, and Universal Daily Advertiser. (Philadelphia, Pa.) 1955-Current US Newspaper Directory, North American 03/26/1839 to 12/31/1879 Genealogy Bank, North American and Daily Advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1855-1857 US Newspaper Directory, Daily Republic. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1850-1855 US Newspaper Directory, Atkinson's Saturday Evening Post [Electronic Resource]. 3 Genealogy Gophers, Arms makers of Philadelphia, 1660-1890 Family History Library, Biographical dictionary of Philadelphia architects: 1700-1930 Family History Library, Biographies of Successful Philadelphia Merchants Ancestry, Biographies of Successful Philadelphia Merchants Google Books, Biographies of successful Philadelphia merchants Family History Library, Black [punishment] books, 1880-1912 Family History Library, Black women's cellar ward, 1826-1832 Family History Library, Building little Italy : Philadelphia's Italians before mass migration Family History Library, Buried Genealogical Data (Publication Of The Names Of Persons Of Unclaimed Letters in Post Office Of Philadelphia) Ancestry, Colonial families of Philadelphia Family History Library, Colonial families of Philadelphia Genealogy Gophers, Colonial families of Philadelphia, Vol. (Philadelphia, Pa.) 1913-1952, City Item. (Philadelphia, Pa.) 1930-Current US Newspaper Directory, South Philly Review 08/08/2002 to Current Genealogy Bank, South Street Star. (Philadelphia, Pa.) 1908-1926, Weekly Press. (Philadelphia, Pa.) 1860-1883 US Newspaper Directory, Taggarts' Philadelphia Sunday Times. (Philadelphia, Pa.) 1849-1865 US Newspaper Directory, Columbia Spy, and Lancaster & York Record. ([Philadelphia], Pa.) 1781-1783 US Newspaper Directory, Pennsylvania Evening Post. Hermon Methodist] Family History Library, Church records, 1904-1938 [St. John's Lutheran] Family History Library, Church records, 1904-1944 [Memorial Church of the Holy Comforter, Episcopal] Family History Library, Church records, 1905-1950 [Epworth Methodist] Family History Library, Church records, 1906-1927 [Bethany Lutheran] Family History Library, Church records, 1906-1966 [Mt. All of the records listed below are available for searching by the patrons. (Philadelphia, Pa.) 1828-1831 US Newspaper Directory, Mechanics' Gazette, Or, Artisan's Manufacturer's, and Working-Man's Advocate. ; late speaker of the House of Assembly of Pennsylvania, before The House of Commons : in a committee on the American papers with explanatory notes Family History Library, The history of the University of Pennsylvania from its origin to the year 1827 Family History Library, The lives of eminent Philadelphians, now deceased : collected from original and authentic sources Family History Library, Vagrant registers, 1874-1880 Family History Library, Welcome Society of Pennsylvania (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania) : [Reports and activities] Family History Library, A collection of upwards of thirty thousand names of German, Swiss, Dutch, French and other immigrants in Pennsylvania from 1727 to 1776 with a statement of the names of ships, whence they sailed and the date of their arrival at Philadelphia : c Genealogy Gophers, An alphabetical index to Ulster emigration to Philadelphia, 1803-1850 Family History Library, Boston, New York, Philadelphia and Baltimore Steamship Arrivals, 1890-1930 Ancestry, Card file of detainee immigrants, 1914-1921 Family History Library, Computer-processed tabulations of data from seamen's protective certificate applications to the collector of customs for the Port of Philadelphia, 1812-1815 Family History Library, Foreign-born female convicts, 1897-1905 Family History Library, German and Swiss settlers in America 1700's-1800's Family History Library, German immigrant servant contracts registered at the port of Philadelphia, 1817-1831 Family History Library, Immigrant records, 1884-1952 Family History Library, Immigration lists, oaths of allegiance in Philadelphia, books A-G, 1728-1775 Family History Library, Index to naturalization and declaration reports, 1802-1837 [Philadelphia, Pennsylvania] Family History Library, Index to passenger lists of vessels arriving at Philadelphia, 1800-1906 : National Archives microfilm publications, pamphlet describing M360 Family History Library, Landing reports of aliens, 1798-1832 Family History Library, Landing verification cards, 1907-1914 Family History Library, List of German passengers arrived in the port Philadelphia, in the ship Margaret from Amsterdam ... September 19, 1804 : as taken from the original immigrant list on file in the Division of Public Records, Harrisburg, Pa Family History Library, Lists of Palatine immigrants who arrived in Philadelphia in 1727 Family History Library, Military petitions for naturalization filed in the Philadelphia (County) District Court, 1862-1874 WorldCat, Naturalization cards, 1900-1940 Family History Library, Naturalization declaration docket, 1814-1838 Family History Library, Naturalization index for Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania, 1881-1930 Family History Library, Naturalization petitions and records, 1795-1911 Family History Library, Naturalization petitions, 1794-1838 Family History Library, Naturalization register, 1795-1851 Family History Library, Passenger and immigration lists : Philadelphia, 1800-1850 Family History Library, Passenger arrivals at the Port of Philadelphia, 1800-1819 : the Philadelphia "baggage lists" WorldCat, Passenger arrivals at the Port of Philadelphia, 1800-1819 : the Philadelphia baggage lists WorldCat, Passenger arrivals at the port of Philadelphia, 1800-1819 : the Philadelphia baggage lists Family History Library, Passenger list, S. S. Vaderland, Belgium, 1875, from Antwerp, Belgium, bound for Philadelphia Family History Library, Passenger lists (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania), 1883-1945; index (soundex) to lists of passengers arriving at Philadelphia, 1883-1948; book indexes, 1906-1926 : NARA T840 Family History Library, Passenger lists of vessels arriving at Philadelphia, 1800-1882 with index 1800-1906 : U. S. National Archives Microfilm Publications.
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