Consider the case pφ ≠ pψ. The Poincaré–Cartan integral invariant on the whole boundary is zero.6 Thus. I know well enough what it is, provided that nobody The linearized increment in the value of CΔ(t′,q′,p′) is ζ=DCΔ(t′,q′,p′)ζ′: The image of the increment is obtained by multiplying the increment by the derivative of the transformation. Similar trajectories that loop around the bowl in the other direction belong to the large island on the right side of the section. Lagrange's equations are just the connection of the ṗ wire to the ∂1L terminal of the Lagrangian device. This time consider a three-degree-of-freedom problem in rectangular coordinates, and take the generator of the transformation to be the z component of the angular momentum: Dx=−y Dy=x Dz=0Dpx=−pyDpy=pxDpz=0. To prevent this we can replace ζ by ζ/c whenever ζ(t) becomes uncomfortably large. The momenta are pr = mṙ and pφ=mr2φ˙. We introduce, Π[q](t)=(t,q(t),p˜[q](t))=(t,q(t),p(t)). We will show that ∑i Ai=∑i Ai′, and thus the Poincaré integral invariant is preserved by time evolution. The CΔ transformation changes the time component, but CΔ′ does not. The Hamiltonian state path is generated by integration of the Hamiltonian state derivative given an initial Hamiltonian state (t, q, p). The conserved momentum is a state variable and just a parameter in the remaining equations. If we must plot a point between two steps we cannot restart the integrator at the state of the plotted point, because that would lose the phase of the integrator step. The maps you made in part c regularly sample the state with the integrator timestep. All Rights Reserved. Furthermore, so the primed momenta are the same in the two formulations. This set of ordinary differential equations is called the variational equations for the system. It is bilinear (linear in each argument): The Poisson bracket satisfies Jacobi's identity: All but the last of (3.88–3.93) can immediately be verified from the definition. We are immediately presented with a new facet of dynamical systems. (6.74), DA(t)=Dζ¯p′(t)ζ¯q(t)+ζ¯p′(t)Dζ¯q(t) −Dζ¯p(t)ζ¯q′(t)−ζ¯p(t)Dζ¯q′(t).6.75, With Hamilton's equations, the variations satisfy, Dζ¯q(t)=∂1∂2H(t,q¯(t),p¯(t))ζ¯q(t) +∂2∂2H(t,q¯(t),p¯(t))ζ¯p(t),Dζ¯p(t)=−∂1∂1H(t,q¯(t),p¯(t))ζ¯q(t) −∂2∂1H(t,q¯(t),p¯(t))ζ¯p(t). Lyapunov exponents come in pairs; for every Lyapunov exponent λ, its negation −λ is also an exponent. In terms of C*, the general solution emanating from a given state is. By construction, this transformation is also canonical and also brings the harmonic oscillator problem into an easily solvable form: The harmonic oscillator Hamiltonian has been transformed to what looks a lot like the Hamiltonian for a free particle. Structure and Interpretation of Classical Mechanics. The Hénon–Heiles Hamiltonian is. The analysis is simple if we use polar coordinates r, θ with conjugate momenta pr, pθ. Let m = 5, k = 1/4, α = 3. Let d(t) = ‖ζ(t)‖; then the rate of divergence can be estimated as before. If we could find a canonical transformation so that the transformed Hamiltonian was identically zero, then by Hamilton's equations the new coordinates and momenta would be constants. Time evolution preserves the sum of areas, so the area on the surface of section is the same as the mapped area. So as the point is changed the combination G(w) + F(v) − wv is invariant. Notice that the proof of Liouville's theorem does not depend upon whether or not the Hamiltonian has explicit time dependence. The same Hamiltonian describes the evolution of a state and a time-advanced state because the latter is just another state. Do area-preserving maps typically show similar phenomena, or is the dynamical origin of the map crucial to the phenomena we have found?35, Consider a map of the phase plane onto itself defined in terms of the dynamical variables θ and its “conjugate momentum” I. As an illustration, consider again the periodically driven pendulum (see page 74). In this region, the pendulum oscillates back and forth, much as the undriven pendulum does, but the drive makes it wiggle as it does so. We can use either W or the corresponding F2 as the generating function. Use the Baker–Campbell–Hausdorff identity (equation 6.161) to deduce that the local truncation error (the error in the state after one step Δt) is proportional to (Δt)2. Then the F2 constructed from W. satisfies the first form of the Hamilton–Jacobi equation (6.4). The potential energy depends on the distance from the origin, r, as does the kinetic energy in polar coordinates, but neither the potential energy nor the kinetic energy depends on the polar angle φ. If there are enough symmetries, then the problem of determining the time evolution may be reduced to evaluation of definite integrals (reduced to quadratures). Suppose that we have a W that satisfies the second form of the Hamilton–Jacobi equation (6.5). How? (6.50), Using the Hamilton–Jacobi equation (6.4), this becomes, DF˜2(t)=−H(t,q(t),∂1F2(t,q(t),p′(t))) +∂1F2(t,q(t),p′(t))Dq(t) +∂2F2(t,q(t),p′(t))Dq′(t). At high energy, trajectories explore most of the energy surface; few trajectories show extra constraints. We have already seen two different Lagrangians for the driven pendulum (see section 1.6.4): one was found using L = T −V and the other was found by inspection of the equations of motion. Hamilton's equations for Dq are, Note that these equations merely restate the relation between the momenta and the velocities. Of course, the Lie series can be used in situations where we want to see the expansion of the motion of a system characterized by a more complex Hamiltonian. Abstract area-preserving maps of a phase plane onto itself show the same division of the phase space into chaotic and regular regions as surfaces of section generated by dynamical systems. For given values of pφ and pψ we must determine the evolution of θ and pθ. This relation is purely algebraic and is valid for any path. To make use of any conserved momenta requires fooling around with the specific equations. We have just witnessed our first transition to chaos. The 2n-dimensional space whose elements are labeled by the n generalized coordinates qi and the n generalized momenta pi is called the phase space. Thus the integral of Gt over the region R(t) is zero, so the derivative of the volume at time t is zero. The momenta can be rewritten in terms of the coordinates and the velocities, so, locally, we can solve for the velocities in terms of the coordinates and momenta. On the surface of section the chaotic and regular trajectories differ in the dimension of the space that they explore. Trajectories evolve along the contours of the Hamiltonian. The map is particularly interesting for α = 1.32 and α = 1.2. We can also attempt a somewhat less drastic method of solution. We now know that there is much more to classical mechanics than previously suspected. Regular trajectories do not show such sensitivity. It may help to know that the moment of inertia of a cylinder around its axis is 12MR2. where the integral extends over the phase-space volume V. In computing the velocity dispersion at some point x→, we would compute the averages by integrating over all momenta. This map is known as the “standard map.”36 A curious feature of the standard map is that the momentum variable I is treated as an angular quantity. Thus we can form the transformation from the initial state to the final state: (x(t)p(t))=(e−110te−12t−12e+12t−52e+110t)(11−12−52)−1(x(0)p(0)).(3.168). Such a canonical transformation is called a Lie transform. The Legendre transformation abstracts a key part of the process of transforming from the Lagrangian to the Hamiltonian formulation of mechanics—the replacement of functional dependence on generalized velocities with functional dependence on generalized momenta. It is a surprising fact that if we shake the support of a pendulum fast enough then the pendulum can stand upright. Show that the Lagrangian action can be expressed as a difference of two applications of this F1. To explore the Hénon–Heiles map we use explore-map as before. For strongly chaotic trajectories two initially nearby trajectories soon find themselves as far apart as they can get. The time evolution is governed by a Hamiltonian H. Let ∑i Ai be the sum of the oriented areas of the projections of R onto the fundamental canonical planes.5 Similarly, let ∑i Ai′ be the sum of oriented projected areas for R′.
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