("Queen of Hearts"), Some time later, Neal Cassidy - none other than Rumplestiltskin's son and Henry's father - is wounded by a gunshot, fired by his fiancée Tamara, and taken through a magic bean portal. However, Lancelot appears and reveals himself to the powerful and wicked with Cora. However, their tender moment is interrupted by a swarm of purple smoke on the horizon, and Phillip soon realizes that it consists of magic, telling Aurora to run. Cora knocks her out, and she is then woken up by Hook, who tells her to go and tell Emma that his offer still stands. Hook hunts down Gold in New York and Mary Margaret learns of Regina and Cora's plan for the dagger, as flashbacks show a young Snow White faced with … Enchanted Forest Character He then tells them that the beanstalk is enchanted to repel intruders, and he has two bracelets that counter the spell. Mulan is only able to find an empty bottle that once contained the ink, and Aurora, under Cora's thrall, manages to detain all four of them, locking them inside the cell, just as the powerful witch and Hook show up to retrieve the compass. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. However, they find a man - Killian Jones - alive, hiding beneath the corpses, who claims to have survived the attack. He and Mulan then set off to the Dark One's castle to find a way for him to get back home... but Neal eventually learns that Emma is in Neverland after all. At Lake Nostos, where Cora has opened a portal, the witch dissipates in smoke during a fight with Mulan and the pouch containing Aurora's heart is almost dropped into the portal, but Killian manages to grab it with his hook and get it back to the knight, claiming that he hates the thought of a woman losing her heart. She then has the idea of using the two of them to communicate so that they can find a way to defeat Cora with the advice of Rumplestiltskin. “[DANIEL] Mid 20s, a handsome stable boy in Fairy Tale Land who tends to horses at the royal manor. She explains that a CD player is like a music box and she has one under her TV, to which Aurora tells her that she won't touch that "devil box" again - she's not making the same mistake twice. They then prepare to get what they need to defeat Cora... all the while not knowing that Aurora's heart has been taken by Hook, and she is being controlled by the powerful wizard herself. Queen Regina is against the idea, thinking it will prove to be a weakness once the Wicked Witch finds out, but Snow thinks that it will prove to be a strength because it will allow the people of the realm to unite in hope. Noah Bean But it's an illusion. During a passionate embrace, they are interrupted by Snow White, who witnessed them and runs away. When the princesses catch up, it is soon explained to Aurora and Phillip that the Dark Curse was undone due to extreme circumstances, and Snow soon congratulates Aurora on her forthcoming baby. I've saved you, my love. She follows Mulan, Emma and Snow on their quest to the latter's castle, and sneaks up behind the pale beauty and threatens to harm her with a knife to avenge Phillip's death. Phillip awakens her with the kiss of true love, and they are overjoyed to find themselves back in each other's company. Mount OlympusUnderworld (formerly)Royal manor (formerly) Emma and Mary Margaret are surprised. Love is weakness, Regina. Later, Robin thanks Mulan for her help and for saving his son and then he asks what she will now do with herself. Guest star.” Directed by Gwyneth Horder-Payton. [under her breath] The latter keeps this a secret from his traveling companions, so as to not worry them, but the two women are able to track him down just in time to witness his soul being taken by the dark creature. Physical Description Technical Specs, ONCE UPON A TIME SEASON 1 (2011) (9.0/10), Once Upon A Time Season 1 (2011) Reviews (8.3/10). However, Aurora, who's in attendance with Phillip, agrees with Regina and says that announcing their pregnancy now would be too dangerous. In the Enchanted Forest, Daniel works as a stable boy on the land of a valet and his wife, Cora. Maleficent makes her way to the palace where she finds Aurora. Cora When Stefan and his men go after the sorceress in order to protect Aurora, as they know Maleficent will go after her, they are defeated. Species: The memory gives him a bad reaction, and he attacks Henry until Regina and David arrive to stop him. Mulan removes the wreckage and they find Emma Swan and Mary Margaret Blanchard, who came from Storybrooke via a magic portal, and are now unconscious. They mourn his loss and Mulan tells Aurora the truth that Phillip wanted to withhold from her: their land was ravaged by the Dark Curse, enacted by Queen Regina, and most of its inhabitants disappeared into another realm, but for some reason that part of the land was spared and they were frozen in time for 28 years until something broke the curse and they were able to continue their quest to find Aurora. Daniel Colter,[1] also known as Stable Boy[2] and Man,[3] is a character on ABC's Once Upon a Time. GALLERY. Show Information The latter soon pulls Phillip aside, out of earshot from any of those who have returned, and she tells her true love that they have to tell "her" that the formerly cursed citizens have returned. Tearfully, she freezes and turns him to dust. Male Mulan then gets back to Aurora, to give her her heart back, and hands her sword to Snow. Gallery of photographic stills released to promote the character. A vile woman with a soft spot for flying monkeys, Zelena is the jealous half-sister of Queen Regina, having spent her whole life in Oz wishing she had a taste of the pampered life led by her sibling.
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