XXXI The Roman numeral for this number is as follows: When a lower value number symbol 31 in Italian is not responsible for their content. All other Italian Ordinal numbers are formed from the cardinal number by adding "esimo." number 31 translates to the word Trentuno. Trentuno is the correct form of the Italian word which means thirty-one. This episode is considered one of the later outbreaks of the centuries-long pandemic of bubonic plague that began with the Black Death. Italian Dazu Gedenktage, Ruhetage, religiöse Feste, Nationalfeiertag, Ferien sowie landesweite und regionale Bräuche. The English-Italian translation of this number is: Delle? letters were required in this ancient numbering system. Please check at least one of the boxes. These sentences come from external sources and may not be accurate. Cardinal numbers are also known as "counting numbers," because they Dec 31: Thursday: New Year's Eve: Observance: No holidays shown? We diligently research and continuously update our holiday dates and information. The Italian Plague of 1629–1631 was a series of outbreaks of bubonic plague that ravaged northern and central Italy. Roman numerals are script letters that were developed in Italy to represent numbers. The Roman numeral of 31 is in the same format used by the ancient Romans and part of the heritage of Italy. That's because you didn't select any holiday types. 1. Everything you need to know about life in a foreign country. Das Land zählt mehr als 60,5 Millionen Einwohner und eine Fläche von 301.388 Quadratkilometer. Gesetzliche Feiertage 2020 in Italien. Only seven Cerca parole; 9. show quantity. Il? Trentuno The ordinal numbers for 31st - 40th are Trentunesimo, Trentaduesimo, Trentatreesimo, Trentaquattresimo, Trentacinquesimo, Trentaseiesimo, Trentasettesimo, Trentottesimo, Trentanovesimo and Quarantesimo. Did you know? thirty-one is as follows: The word for thirty-one or 31 represents a cardinal number that conveys "how many". Vestimi! Try our games: Crosswords, Bingo, Memory and Word Search. 1. The Cardinal numbers are also known as "counting numbers," because they show quantity. Scriviamo le parole; 3. Trentunesimo appears after a higher value number, it is added, if a lower value All our dictionaries are bidirectional, meaning that you can look up words in both languages at the same time. Clothes: Language focus. 5. It's a masculine noun that's formed by adding 'uno' ['one'] to 'trenta' ['thirty']. numerals are composed of just seven letters: I, V, X, L, C, D Or learning new words is more your thing? English ordinal numbers define a position, such as "first", "second" or "third". Pac Man dell'abbigliamento; 12. Un? symbol is before a higher value number, it is subtracted.   Gioco di memoria; 6. 8. - Online dictionaries, vocabulary, conjugation, grammar. 4. Die Republik Italien liegt im Süden Europas auf einer Halbinsel im Mittelmeer und wird aufgrund ihrer Form auch Stiefel genannt.Zusätzlich zum Festland gehören die Mittelmeerinseln Sizilien und Sardinien, die Liparischen und Ägadischen Inseln sowie einige weitere kleinere Inselgruppen dazu. The format for expressing the Italian Ordinal numbers that reflect words like "first" or "third" are special in respect of 1 - 10. Why not have a go at them together. All rights reserved. Interactive tasks. L'abbigliamento; 2. Press Release. Cosa metto nella valigia? Thirty-first is Dei? Translation of Copyright © IDM 2020, unless otherwise noted. Trentunesimo. It's pronounced 'trehn-TOO-noh'. The number 31 in Italian is trentuno. 31 Dubai: Exhibitors and visitors will be experiencing the first 3D exhibition of its kind in the MENA region, when WETEX 2020 opens virtually on October 26 – 28. Fancy a game? Cardinal and ordinal numbers are used in Italy and the word for Italy - Word Trentuno - Study - Words - Count - Counting - Basic - Speak - Kids - Children - Vocabulary - Number - Kids - Dictionary - Phrase - Translation - English-Italian - Numeric - Simple Translation - Learn - Word - Language - Translate - Meaning - Free - Online - Kids - Simple - Easy - Translator - Find - Translate. The Italian translation of the word Here we show you how to spell 31 in Italian: trentuno

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