etc. We do not have a monitored phone number. Are you sure it’s not a red gum, from Australia? Family: Leguminosae, Shorea spp., Parashorea spp. beautiful deep rose colour. HEIGHT/WEIGHTAverage height is 120 feet. Family: Leguminosae, Dipterocarpus species. Some of the heartwood features ribbon stripes of green or yellow or red. All Leaves (Evergreen), Quarantine Restrictions to these Areas SA, WA, Water Requirements Drought Hardy (Little Watering), Home  Terms & conditions  A-Z Plants Text  A-Z Plants Pictures   Contact Us  Daleys Fruit Tree Nursery. Copious nectar production attracts a wide range of both invertebrate and vertebrate fauna. Very directional when planing. wood is very dense, with a tight fine, mostly linear grain. I looks great after filling gaps with saw dust & super glue then sanding. Family: Leguminosae, Araucaria bidwillii. I’m melting some sap in my oil burner and it’s a really nice wood/flavored cigar smell – not at… Read more ». It's easy to see how satine earned some of its commercial names, like bloodwood and cardinal wood. The insides are smooth. It is growing near a sandy wash with drainage as required. Family: Sapotaceae, Cinnamomum laubatii formerly C. tamala. Timber is durable. ..Maple Preboring is needed for nails and screws, and the wood holds screws well. Eugenia gustavioides; Acmenosperma claviflorum. If the frets do seat on first attempt, it’s… Read more ». effort. It's easy to see how satine earned some of its commercial names, like bloodwood and cardinal wood. The dust is so fine and powdery that it goes every where. ..Lacewood Sustainability: This wood species is not listed in the CITES Appendices or on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. With age it's colour does darken, but I really enjoy the smell of this wood while working with it. Family name: Myrtaceae, Gmelina fasciculiflora, G. leichhardtii, G. dalrympleana. But what a great number of woods do have the potential to do is cause allergic reactions in sensitive individuals. Details for each species include; appearance, common applications, durability, strength, workability, termite-resistance and fire-resistance. Wood has high bending and crushing strength and medium stiffness and resistance to shock loads. This occurs after I have finished it and store it for several weeks. MOR is more of an absolute measurement (how many # does it take to break the wood of a given size), while MOE is a ratio of stress to deformation. COMMON NAMESBloodwood, satine, muirapiranga, bois satine, satine urbane, satine urbane, cardinal wood, Brazilwood, satinee, satine rouge, conduru, satinjout, legno satino, palo de oro, siton paya. By Jo-Ann Kaiser. Cut it on my table saw with a fine tooth blade and it came out great as well. Family: Elaeocarpaceae, Beilschmiedia obtusifolia. ..Ash We offer net 30 day terms to companies who provide credit references that are approved by accounts receivable. Family: Myrtaceae, Eucalyptus tereticornis, E. blakelyi ssp. With its attractive color and inherent luster the wood is used to turn all sorts of objects and art pieces. Did everything in a t-shirt… Read more ». ]]> With age it's colour does darken, but not significantly so it is a great wood to use in intarsia projects, pool cues, bloodwood humidors and jewelry boxes, and … Those persistent enough to bear with the difficulties of working with Bloodwood to the finishing stage are rewarded with an exceptional and lustrous red surface. All prices are quoted net tally F.O.B. and use this variables value as check for logging like the code snippet below. It's best used in small pieces. However, woodworkers like the way it finishes and polishes, and the vivid color is always eye catching." When I first purchased Bloodwood the blank was quarter-sawn, will this affect its workability if so what can I do? Grafted varieties allow for different coloured skin and flesh colour. Family: Meliaceae, Castanospermum australe. Fixing: no difficulty using standard fittings and fastenings. There is small movement in service. Family: Bombaceae, Octomeles sumatrana. as you use quality sandpaper, and take the time to work down the Family: Meliaceae, Flindersia bourjotiana, F. schottiana. ..Butternut Family: Apocynaceae, Callitris glaucophylla. With age it's color does darken, but not significantly so it is a great wood to use in intarsia projects. ..." - Robert (more), LATIN: BROSIMUM RUBESCENS  ORIGIN: SOUTH AMERICA. Love the mild aroma, and the iridescence of quarter sawn pieces. variegata, C. citriodora subsp. 'dimension6': 'track', australis. 'dimension7': '173496', Using a water proof PVA glue with its extra holding power is not You can get a better crop with correct pollination. The wood is very dense, with a tight fine, mostly linear grain. Family: Myrtaceae, Eucalyptus drepanophylla, E. paniculata. Anyone ever have a problem with bloodwood getting mold on it after finishing it with a liquid beeswax?? Bloodwood bowl on the lathe, this is after sanding and before applying any finish. The book Tropical Timber Atlas of Latin America lists various trade names for the lumber by country. Workability: Bloodwood is extremely dense, and has a pronounced blunting effect on cutters. Just a quick question on the data section. ..Pau Amarello Family: Myrtaceae, Eucalyptus regnans, E. delegatensis, E. obliqua. ... And that’s all we need to do in order to use timber. Takes on a beautiful shine with limited (mixed group comprised of over 20 species). ..Red Oak pool cues, bloodwood humidors and jewelry boxes, and occasionally I just finished a 10 by 10 by 4″ bowl. here for list, Woodworking Tools In France, the wood is called satine and satine urbane; in Germany satinholz; in Italy ferolia and legno satino; in the United Kingdom it is called bloodwood and satinwood. Timber is durable. Family: Elaeocarpaceae, Eucalyptus sieberi syn. It will look like the wood bled all over the place. A fast growing tree suitable for use as a street tree and park planting. of resawing any material, remember not to leave it around without //-->