As communication occurs more frequently in speech than in writing, our objective should be to make sure that we are always understood when we speak. Em•ma'nu•el - Isaiah 7:14 ftn. (g3056) - LOH-gos, -gahs', LOH-gohs'] * [ Loki* - — - w52 12/15 741 - LOH-kee] * [ Longimanus* - — - dp 53 - lon-jim-AY-nuhs, lawng-juh-MAH-nuhs] * [ loquacious] * [ (full of talk, great talk, loose-tongued, [man] of lips in some Bibles) - ("boaster" in NW) - Job 11:2 JPS (h8193) - loh-KWAY-shuhs] * [ Lo-ruhamah] * [ (compare Ruhamah) - Lo-ru•ha'mah - Hosea 1:6 (h3819) - loh'roo-HAY-muh] * [ Lucifer] * [ (bright morning star, day-star, morning star, shining one, shining star in some Bibles) - ("shining one" in NW) - Isaiah 14:12 KJ (h1966) - LOO-sih-fuhr, -suh- ] * [ Lucius - Lucius, it Lu'cius - Acts 13:1 (g3066) - LOO-shee-uhs, LOO-shuhs] * [ Lud - Lud - Isaiah 66:19 (h3865) - LUHD] * [ Ludim] * [ (Lud, Lydians in some Bibles) - Lu'dim - Jeremiah 46:9 (h3866) - LOO-dim] * [ Luke - Luke (Bible book) - Colossians 4:14 (g3065) - LOOK (rhymes with "duke," "juke")] * [ lunisolar* - — - it "Calendar" - luh'nih-SOH-luhr, -lahr'] * [ Lupercalia* - — - g95 2/8 27 - loo'puhr-KAY-lee-uh, -KAYL-yuh] * [ luxuriant - luxuriant - Deuteronomy 12:2 (h7488) - luhg(')-ZHUR-ee-uhnt, luhk(')-SHUR-] * [ Luz] * [ (aka Bethel) - — - Genesis 28:19 (h3870) - LUHZ] * [ Lycaonia - Lyc•a•o'ni•a - Acts 14:6 (g3071) - lik'uh-OH-nee-uh, lik'ay-OH-nee-uh, -OHN-yuh] * [ Lycaonian - Lyc•a•o'ni•an - Acts 14:11 (g3072) - lik'uh-OH-nee-uhn, lik'ay-OH-nee-uhn] * [ Lydda - Lyd'da - Acts 9:38 (g3069) - LIH-duh, LID-uh] * [ Lydia - Lyd'i•a - Acts 16:14 (g3070) - LID-ee-uh] * [ Lysanias - Ly•sa'ni•as - Luke 3:1 (g3078) - li -SAY-nee-uhs, lih-] * [ Lysias (Claudius) - Lys'i•as - Acts 23:26 (g3079) - LIS-ee-uhs] * [ Lysimachus* - — - it "Alexander" - li -SIM-uh-kuhs] * [ Lystra - Lys'tra - Acts 14:6 (g3082) - LIS-truh] *. On the other hand, good Biblical pronunciation will make people understand you easily and be willing to listen to you. Shad•dai'; "God Almighty" in NW) - Genesis 35:11 By, JPS (h410 + h7706) - el shah-DI , also SHAD-i] * [ Shadrach - Sha'drach - Daniel 1:7 (h7714) - SHAD-rak, SHAY-drak, not SHAD-rak in NW] * [ Shakti* - — - sh 121 - SHAHK-tee] * [ Shallum - Shal'lum— - 2 Kings 15:10 (h7967) - SHAL-uhm] * [ Shalmaneser - Shal•man•e'ser - 2 Kings 17:3 (h8022) - shal'muh-NEE-zuhr, shal'muhn-EE-zuhr] * [ shalom] * [ (also shalohm') - ("peace" in NW) - Genesis 15:15 HNV (h7965); Matthew 10:13 HNV (g1515) - shah-LOHM (listen)] * [ Shalom aleichem* - — - w84 8/15 19 - shaw'luhm uh-LAY-khuhm (listen), -kuhm, shah-LOHM ah-lay-KHEM, Seph. Thus, ignoring Bible pronunciation skills until grammar and vocabulary have improved will often mean ignoring Bible pronunciation altogether. try { Pronunciation of vanda orchid with 1 audio pronunciation, 10 translations and more for vanda orchid. hez'uh-KI -uh] * [ Hiddekel] * [ (aka Tigris) - Hid'de•kel - Daniel 10:4 (h2313) - HID-uh-kel, HID-ih-kel] * [ Hierapolis - Hi•e•rap'o•lis - Colossians 4:13 (g2404) - hi 'uh-RAP-uh-lis, hi 'ih-RAP-uh-luhs] * [ hierarchy* - — - w98 5/15 29 - HI -uh-rahr'kee, HI -rahr-] * [ hieratic* - — - it "Writing" - hi 'uh-RAT-ik, hi -RAT-ik] * [ hieroglyph* - — - g91 1/22 7 - HI -ruh-glif ] * [ hieroglyphic* - — - it "Writing" - hi 'ruh-GLIF-ik] * [ Hieronymus* - — - it "Versions (Latin 'Vulgate')" - hi (')-uh-RAH-nuh-muhs, hi -RON-uh-muhs] * [ Higgaion - Hig•ga'ion - Psalm 9:16 (h1902) - hih-GAY-yon, hih-GAY-yuhn] * [ Hilkiah - Hil•ki'ah - Jeremiah 1:1 (h2518) - hil-KI -uh] * [ Hillel - Hil'lel - Judges 12:15 (h1985) - HIL-el] * [ Hinnom - Hin'nom - Joshua 15:8 (h2011) - HIN-uhm] * [ hippodrome* - — - it "Jerusalem (Under Herod the Great)" - HIP-uh-drohm'] * [ Hippolytus* - - w97 3/1 10 - hih-POL-luh-tuhs] * [ historicity* - — - it "Archaeology (Palestine and Syria)" - his'tuh-RIS-ih-tee (listen)] * [ Hittite - Hit'tite - Genesis 23:10 (h2850) - HIT-ti t, HIT-i t] * [ Hivite - Hi'vite - Genesis 10:17 (h2340) - HI -vi t] * [ hoary - ("gray" in NW) - Leviticus 19:32 AS, Da, DRB, KJ (h7872) - HOHR-ee, HAWR-ee] * [ Hobab - Ho'bab - Numbers 10:29 (h2246) - HOH-bab] * [ holocaust - ("burnt sacrifice" and "whole burnt offerings" in NW) - Job 42:8 DRB (h5930); Hebrews 10:6 DRB (g3646) - HOH-luh-kawst', HAH-, also -kahst' or HAW-luh-kawst] * [ homer - ho'mer - Leviticus 27:16 (h2563) - HOH-muhr] * [ homily*; homiletic* - — - w98 5/15 30; g74 7/8 11 - HAH-muh-lee; hah'muh-LET-ik] * [ homologoumena*] * [ (distinguished from the antilegomena) - — - — - hoh'moh-loh-GOU-meh-nah, hoh'moh-luh-GOO-muh-nuh, -GYOO-] * [ hoopoe] * [ (hoopoes, houp, lapwing in some Bibles) - hoopoe, it hoo'poe - Leviticus 11:19 (h1744) - HOO-poo', HOO-poh'] * [ Hophni - Hoph'ni - 1 Samuel 1:3 (h2652) - HOF-ni] * [ Hophra] * [ (aka Apries) - Hoph'ra - Jeremiah 44:30 (h6548) - HOF-ruh] * [ Horeb] * [ (aka Sinai) - Ho'reb - Exodus 3:1 (h2722) - HOH-reb] * [ Horesh] * [ (forest, wood in some Bibles) - Ho'resh - 1 Samuel 23:15 (h2793) - HOH-rehsh, HOR-esh] * [ Hor-haggidgad - Hor-hag•gid'gad - Numbers 33:32 (h2735) - hor'huh-GID-gad, hor'hag-GID-gad] * [ Hori - Ho'ri - Numbers 13:5 (h2753) - HOH-ri] * [ Horonaim - Hor•o•na'im - Isaiah 15:5 (h2773) - hor'uh-NAY-im] * [ Horonite - Hor'o•nite - Nehemiah 2:10 (2772) - HOR-uh-ni t] * [ Horus* - — - ip-2 52 - HOHR-uhs, HOR-, HAWR-] * [ Hosanna, also Hosannah - ("Save, we pray you!" Readers must also learn to use the in NW) - Hosea 2:1 KJ (h7355); w76 3/1 157 - roo-HAY-muh] * [ ruinous] * [ (destroying, destructive, ruined in some Bibles) - ruinous - Jeremiah 51:25 (h4889) - ROO-uh-nuhs, not ROO-nee-uhs] * [ ruinously - ruinously - Deuteronomy 4:18 (h7843) - ROO-uh-nuhs-lee, not ROO-nee-uhs-lee] * [ Rumah - Ru'mah - 2 Kings 23:36 (h7316) - ROO-mah, -muh] * [ Ruth - Ruth (Bible book) - Ruth 1:4 (h7327) - ROOTH] *. * URL:* *************/ !. me-drah-SHEEM, Ashk. - ay'dree-AT-ik, ad'ree-AT-ik] * [ Adullam - A•dul'lam - 1 Samuel 22:1 (h5725) - uh-DUHL-uhm] * [ adultery - adultery - Exodus 20:14 (h5003) - uh-DUHL-tuh-ree, -DUHL-tree] * [ aedile* - — - it "Erastus" - EE-duhl, EE-di l'] * [ Aegean* - — - dp 149; it "Greece, Greeks" - ih-JEE-uhn, ee-, not ay'JEE-uhn] * [ Aeneas] * [ (spelled Eneas in some Bibles) - Ae•ne'as - Acts 9:33 (g132) - uh-NEE-uhs, ih-] * [ Aenon - Ae'non - John 3:23 (g137) - EE-nuhn, EE-non] * [ aeon*] * [ (also eon) - — - g77 11/22 27 - EE-uhn, EE-ahn'] * [ Aesculapius*] * [ (also Asclepius) - — - it "Diseases and Treatment" - es'kyuh-LAY-pee-uhs (listen), Brit. pronunciation Pronunciation by Amyjean (Female from United States); They'd had the orchid for many years and it still produced wonderful flowers . for "Suph" (h5489) - yahm SOOF] * [ yarmulke* - — - sh 231 - YAH(R)-muh(l)-kuh (listen)] * [ Yom Kippur* - — - sh 230 - yawm, yom('), yohm, KIP-uhr, Seph. Short vowels are the vowel sounds in these words: bat, bet, bit, bought, butt. For apartment have other readers repeat: ROHTH] * [ wrought - wrought - Ezekiel 27:19 (h6219) - RAWT] * [ Wulfila*] * [ (aka Ulfilas) - — - w94 5/15 8 - WOOL-fuh-luh] * [ Wycliffe* (sometimes Wyclif) - — - it "Apocrypha" - WIK-lif] *. - KAT-uh-klih'zuhm] * [ catechism* - — - g93 9/8 8 - KAT-uh-kiz'uhm] * [ Cathari*] * [ (aka Albigenses) - — - w95 9/1 28 - KATH-uh-ri, -ree] * [ Cedron - ("Kidron" in NW) - John 18:1 Da, DRB, KJ (g2748) - SEE-druhn] * [ Cenchreae] * [ (Cenchera, Cenchrae, Cenchrea in some Bibles) - Cen'chre•ae - Acts 18:18 (g2747) - SEN-kruh-ee, SEN-kree-uh, sen-KREE-uh] * [ cenotaph* - — - w94 6/15 32 - SEN-uh-taf', -tahf'] * [ censer - censer - 2 Chronicles 26:19 (h4730); Hebrews 9:4 (g2369) - SEN(T)-suhr] * [ centurion] * [ (captain, Roman army officer in some Bibles) - ("army officer" in NW) - Acts 10:1 DRB, KJ (and others) (g1543) - sen-T(Y)OOR-ee-uhn] * [ Cephas - Ce'phas - 1 Corinthians 3:22 (g2786) - SEE-phus] * [ certiorari* - — - g03 1/8 4 - suhr'sh(ee-)uh-RAR-ee, -RAHR-EE] * [ cessation - cessation - Isaiah 38:11 (h2309) - seh-SAY-shuhn] * [ chalcedony - chal•ced'o•ny - Revelation 21:19 (g5472) - kal-SED-uh-nee, kal-SEH-duh-nee, kal-SEHD-uhn-ee, chal-; KAL-suh-doh'nee, chal-, -dah'-] * [ Chalcis*] * [ (also Khalkís) - — - it "Herod" - KAL-suhs, KAL-kuhs] * [ Chaldea - Chal•de'a - Jeremiah 50:10 (h3778) - kal-DEE-uh] * [ Chaldean - Chal•de'an - Ezra 5:12 (h3679) - kal-DEE-uhn] * [ Chaldee* - — - w99 2/1 31 - KAL-dee', KOL-, KAHL-] * [ chamberlain] * [ (over the bedchambers, over the bedroom, personal aide in some Bibles) - ([the one] "in charge of the bedchamber" in NW) - Acts 12:20 AS, Da, DRB, KJ (g1909 + g2846) - CHAYM-buhr-luhn] * [ chamois - chamois - Deuteronomy 14:5 (h2169) - SHAM-ee (listen), also sha-MWAH] * [ Chandogya* - — - g75 11/8 8 - chahn-DAH-gya] * [ chancellor - ("chief government official" in NW) - Ezra 4:8 AS, KJ (h1169) - CHAN(T)-s(uh-)luhr] * [ chapiter - ("capital" in NW) - 2 Chronicles 3:15 KJ (h6858) - CHA-puh-tuhr] * [ charism* - — - w80 8/1 23 - KAR-ih'zuhm, KAIR-iz'uhm] * [ charisma*; pl. Very few readers are able to acquire that sound and often substitute d. Usually, this substitution does not matter.

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