The better you grasp the meaning of financial terms, the better you can communicate and the more transparent becomes the vast, exciting and potentially profitable world of money. Noun phrase Definition 30,000 foot view ... "A glossary of business terms", Business … A process in which a deliverable (or the solution overall) is progressively elaborated upon. The process of examining new business opportunities to improve organizational performance. A successful outcome of a process will deliver value to one or more stakeholders. A state or condition the business must satisfy to reach its vision. Overused buzzwords and phrases used to feel fresh but they long … A requirements document issued to solicit vendor input on a proposed process or product. See also structured walkthrough. Cardinality is shown on a data model with a special notation, number (e.g., 1), or letter (e.g., M for many). A stakeholder who will be responsible for designing, developing, and implementing the change described in the requirements and have specialized knowledge regarding the construction of one or more solution components. A system trigger that is initiated by time. Assumptions are influencing factors that are believed to be true but have not been confirmed to be accurate. A description of the types of communication the business analyst will perform during business analysis, the recipients of those communications, and the form in which communication should occur. The work done to ensure that the stated requirements support and are aligned with the goals and objectives of the business. Ability of systems to communicate by exchanging data or services. Find the product that's right for you. An evaluation of proposed alternatives to determine if they are technically possible within the constraints of the organization and whether they will deliver the desired benefits to the organization. The domain model is useful to validate the solution scope with the business and technical stakeholders. Undertake an impossible or impractical task, To follow an action against market tendencies. You are what you say and what you understand. A type of peer review in which participants present, discuss, and step through a work product to find errors. Take actions which increase the amount of work that can be done in the future. A brief statement or paragraph that describes the why, what, and who of the desired software product from a business point of view. An uncertain event or condition that, if it occurs, will affect the goals or objectives of a proposed change. Steps can be superimposed onto horizontal swimlanes for the roles that perform the steps. A set of defined ad-hoc or sequenced collaborative activities performed in a repeatable fashion by an organization. Span of control is the number of employees a manger is directly (or indirectly) responsible for. Formal approval of a set of requirements by a sponsor or other decision maker. A formal type of peer review that utilizes a predefined and documented process, specific participant roles, and the capture of defect and process metrics. An analysis model describing the data structures and attributes needed by the system. For each iteration, the team plans its work, does the work, and checks it for quality and completeness. An organizational unit, organization, or collection of organizations that share a set of common goals and collaborate to provide specific products or services to customers. The set of capabilities a solution must deliver in order to meet the business need. A small component's ability to grow within a larger system. See also structured walkthrough. Techniques alter the way a business analysis task is performed or describe a specific form the output of a task may take. Document analysis is a means to elicit requirements of an existing system by studying available documentation and identifying relevant information. It is a model used to understand influencing factors and how they may affect an initiative.

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