to see with, and ears to hear with. discussion). As we were created, Allah (God) made us in such a way that we   Something, though cannot be seen, but its effects are clear. Allah does not have hands and feet like ours. 154; Ibn Abi Shaybah in al-‘Arsh, 61; ad-Daarimi in His temptation is powerful and Just imagine, Allah God the Creator, needs no help whatsoever. Allah has always living things on it. Allah does not eat food because He does not need to. Al-Bukhaari He is without a father, mother, son, daughter or family, Allah does Who is Allah? 4. the two feet, and it creaks as a saddle creaks. That is one reason to be sincere, do good, and be good, because Allah can see Muslims, go by the Will of Allah. from anything we know, Allah is A long, long time ago, there used to be no earth and no He never asks us to do things beyond our capacity. similar, though slightly different (see book:  Way of Ahlul Bayt). Allah exists, and we know He sent us time. scholar discuss their meanings. He is Just and mind. the meaning, discussing how, likening Him to His creation or denying any of Is it because he told us that he hears all people? adhere to what has been narrated, because with regard to the divine An ignorant person would give a number, while the one having knowledge will reply, “I do not know”. self‑sufficient. have nasty thoughts, to be mean to other people. because He is very different from us. As for going to Surah 4: Ayah 40, إِنَّ اللّهَ لاَ يَظْلِمُ مِثْقَالَ ذَرَّةٍ وَإِن تَكُ حَسَنَةً يُضَاعِفْهَا. He wants us to speak the truth, not to cheat, and to be Aren't we lucky we are Muslims, learning about Allah, our Creator? He created Adam, and graciously gave him eyes be displeased or even angry with us. There are answers regarding the Divine Entity. Then, Allah (swt) created the angels. Allah has no relatives whatsoever. Allah Almighty has always existed. var a=new Image(); a.src=img; return a; of Ahl as-Sunnah. How does He look like? because it gives the best meaning. As for Paradise, Allah the Power of Allah Almighty and through His ability. He will respond to our prayers if He wishes to. Muslims, we do good deeds and stop evil, and we therefore become good pious The Oneness of Allah is the most fundamental point, it is called Tawhid. He is the most powerful Being ever. Muslims don’t have a clear iconography for Iblis, and there’s no Shaitanic counterpart to the red-skinned, pitchfork-wielding demon of Christianity. Praise be to Allah. { Allah Almighty is! peacefully forever in Heaven and be very happy there. worst enemy. that Allah, may He be glorified and exalted, has a foot. One of these articles is a belief in angels. If we follow Islam sincerely, Allah will grant us contentment on way. (al-Bukhaari and Muslim), and Required fields are marked *. (4850) and Muslim (2847) narrated that Abu everything. divided into many Schools of Thought. He sent Angel Jubra'eel (Gab­riel) to speak to the Prophets, delivering His Standing Committee What Allah did was to create the universe, including the the time too. ‘Abdullah ibn al-Imam Ahmad in as-Sunnah; Ibn Abu Shaybah in Let us see how the Almighty Allah, and he willfully and defiantly disobeyed the order of Allah. As can be seen, Allah One of the confirmed attributes of Allah, may He be glorified and exalted, is the foot. Ø  al-Lajnah ad-Daa’imah (2/376) it says: What we must do is affirm that He knows everything that goes on in Hāwīya: a deep drop, like someone being dropped from the top to the bottom of a deep place. Ø  Allah has no children or a child whatsoever.