The SAT/ACT is not required for admission, but is required if you want to be assessed for academic scholarships. The net value added by this sector, to the economy, is estimated to be 3.3 to 3.9 per cent for FY 2007-08. Robots are also used to do routine, repetitive tasks in which boredom or fatigue can lead to poor quality work. Computer-aided design (CAD) and computer-aided manufacturing (CAM) programs have led to improved products in many fields, especially where designs tend to be very detailed. Another related term, Information and Communications Technology (ICT) is sometimes used in preference to Information Technology, particularly in the fields of education and governance. To Support Customers in Easily and Affordably Obtaining the Latest Peer-Reviewed Research. Assistant Professor, Department of Electronic Engineering, National Taipei University, Assistant Professor, Department of Electronic Engineering, National Taipei University of Technology (Taipei Tech). 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Concepts of input and output cost of dairy farming, Demography of cattle and buffalo population, Detection of heat in cattle and buffaloes, Factors affecting quality and quantity of milk production, General management and feeding practices of bulls and working animals, General management and feeding practices of calves, General management and feeding practices of dry cattle and buffaloes, General management and feeding practices of heifers, General management and feeding practices of lactating cattle and buffaloes, General management and feeding practices of pregnant cattle and buffaloes, Housing systems, layout and design of different buildings for dairy animals, Role of milking machines in modern dairy farming, Selection of appropriate milking machine/system, Maintenance, cost accounting, economic analysis and preparation of balance sheet for dairy farms, Preparation of dairy farm project proposal, Raising of buffalo males for meat production, Routine dairy farm operations and labour management, Feeding routine for horse, donkeys and mules, Handling, restraint, care and routine management of equines, Horse riding - walk, trot, canter and gallop, Horses, donkeys and mules and their utility, Preparation of equines for show and judging, Agronomical practices for production of leguminous and non-leguminous fodders in different seasons, Calculation of the economic aspects of fodder cropping and procurement of feed, Feed and fodder management for individual animals, Fodder production for small units through inter-cropping or back yard cultivation, Harvesting and post-harvest techniques for fodder preservation, Importance of grasslands and fodder in livestock production, Irrigation and drainage for fodder production, Livestock waste utilisation and recycling, Information Technology in Veterinary Science, Application of Information Technology in Animal Health, Application of Information Technology in Disease Monitoring & Surveillance, Application of Social Networking in Veterinary Practice, E- Resources for Veterinarians : An Emerging Trend, Internet Resources Related to Veterinary & Animal Science, Role of Information Technology in the Improvement of Veterinary Education, Approach, handling and restraint of livestock, Common livestock farm management practices, Determination of the body weight of livestock, Familiarization with body points/conformation of livestock, Familiarization with routine livestock farm operations, Routes of drug administration in livestock, Computation and compounding of balanced diet for laboratory animals, Feeding schedule of laboratory animals for high breeding efficiency, Housing system and space requirements for laboratory animals, Prophylactic measures against common disease of lab animals, Weighing, sexing and weaning of laboratory animals, Conservation of Threatened Breeds of Small Ruminants, Rabbits, Pigs, Pack Animals and Equines, Dairy Entrepreneurship Development Scheme, Establishment and Modernization of Rural Slaughter Houses, Integrated Development of Small Ruminants (Sheep, Goat) and Rabbits, Salvaging and Rearing of Male Buffalo Calves, Arrangements of the livestock farm buildings with special reference to Indian conditions, Building materials used for construction of wall, roof and floor of animal houses, General principles affecting the design and construction of livestock houses, Utilization of local materials in animal houses, Animal holding and land holding patterns in different Indian agro-ecologies, Association of livestock with Indian society during vedic, medieval and modern era, Livestock production systems of different agro-climatic zones, Animal and animal products markets and marketing, Problems and prospects of livestock industry in India, Contribution of Livestock Sector to the Indian Economy, Average size of holding 1970-71 to 2000-01, Distribution of livestock according to the size of the holding 2001-02, Distribution of monthly per capita expenditure on consumption items, Distribution of operational holdings 2001-02, Gross domestic product by economic activity 2004-05 to 2008-09, Import and export of livestock and livestock products 2008-09 & 2009-10, Number & area of operational holdings 1970-71 to 2000-01, Share of agriculture and livestock sector in GDP 1980-81 to 2008-09, Value of import and export of livestock and livestock products 2008-09 & 2009-10, Value of output and gross domestic product (GDP) from agriculture and allied activities 2004-05 to 2008-09, Value of output and gross domestic product (GDP) from livestock sector 1980-81 to 2008-09, Value of output from livestock sector 2004-05 to 2008-09, Egg production and per capita availability of eggs 1950-51 to 2009-10, Egg production in major states 2007-08 to 2009-10, State-wise details of egg production from ducks 2007-08 to 2009-10, State-wise details of egg production from fowls 2007-08 to 2009-10, State-wise egg production 2004-05 to 2009-10, State-wise egg production by fowls & ducks 2007-08, State-wise egg production by fowls & ducks 2008-09, State-wise egg production by fowls & ducks 2009-10, State-wise per capita availability of eggs from 2004-05 to 2009-10, Area under fodder crops, permanent pastures & other grazing lands 2004-05 to 2007-08, Details of All India Livestock Census 2003 and 2007, Growth rate of livestock population 1951-2007, Share of breedable-in milk to total cattle & buffalo population 2003 & 2007, State-wise breedable cattle & buffalo population 2003 & 2007, State-wise total number of buffaloes 2003 & 2007, State-wise total number of crossbred cattle 2003 & 2007, State-wise total number of fowls & ducks 2003 & 2007, State-wise total number of indigenous cattle 2003 & 2007, State-wise total number of livestock and poultry 2003, State-wise total number of livestock and poultry 2007, State-wise total number of livestock and poultry in rural India 2007, State-wise total number of livestock and poultry in urban India 2007, State-wise total number of milch animals 2003 & 2007, State-wise total number of pigs 2003 & 2007, State-wise total number of sheep & goats 2003 & 2007, State-wise details of meat production 2007-08, State-wise details of meat production 2008-09, State-wise details of meat production 2009-10, State-wise meat production 2004-05 to 2009-10, Milk production and per capita availability 1950-51 to 2009-10, Milk production in major states 2007-08 to 2009-10, State-wise dairy development under cooperative sector 2010, State-wise dairy plants registered under MMPO 2010, State-wise estimates of milk production 2004-05 to 2009-10, State-wise milk production from buffaloes 2007-08 to 2009-10, State-wise milk production from exotic crossbred cows 2007-08 to 2009-10, State-wise milk production from goats 2007-08 to 2009-10, State-wise milk production from indigenous-nondescript cows 2007-08 to 2009-10, State-wise share of milk production by cows, buffaloes & goats 2007-08, State-wise share of milk production by cows, buffaloes & goats 2008-09, State-wise share of milk production by cows, buffaloes & goats 2009-10, State-wise wool production 2004-05 to 2009-10, Growth in demand for livestock products 2000-2030, Top ranking countries of the world on the basis of livestock population 2009, World cattle, sheep & goat meat production 2009, World pig, chicken meat production 1999-2009, World milk production & per capita availability 2009, LPM 111 Livestock Production Management - I (General Principles and Ruminants), LPM 121 Fodder Production and Grassland Management, LPM 122 Livestock Production Management - II (Monogastric and Laboratory Animals), LPM 221 Commercial Poultry Production & Hatchery Management, LPM 222 Livestock Production Management - III (Regional Interest), Model Training Course on Livestock Management Practices for Sustainable Development, 9-16 December, 2013, Dairy Farm Project Report - Buffalo (Large scale), Dairy Farm Project Report - Buffalo (Large Scale) - Report, Dairy Farm Project Report - Buffalo (Small scale), Dairy Farm Project Report - Buffalo - Small Scale - Report, Dairy Farm Project Report - Crossbred Cow (Large scale), Dairy Farm Project Report - Crossbred Cow (Large scale) - Report, Dairy Farm Project Report - Crossbred Cow (Small scale), Dairy Farm Project Report - Crossbred Cow (Small scale) - Report, Breeding and selection techniques for optimal production, Care and management of kindling animals and kindling, Care of new born rabbits and growing stock, Disposal, utilization and recycling of wastes in rabbit farms, Harvesting and preservation of rabbit products, Housing requirement and equipment in rabbit farms, Preparing projects for micro (backyard), mini and major rabbit farms, Selection, care and management of breeding rabbits for commercial purpose, Demography of sheep and goat population and their role in economy, General management practices for sheep and goat in small and large holdings, Housing systems, layout and design of different buildings for sheep and goat farms, Maintenance, cost accounting, economic analysis and preparation of balance sheet, Preparation of goat farm project proposal, Preparation of sheep farm project proposal, Routine operations in sheep and goat farms, Sheep and goat production systems in India, Economics of swine farming and preparation of projects for piggery, Examination and control of parasites in swine farms, Introduction and scope of swine farming in the country, Management of sows at and after farrowing and after farrowing, Preparation of swine for show and judging, Routine inspection and identification of diseases in swine farms, Veterinary Universities, Colleges and Institutions, VMD 512 Zoo/Wild Animal Breeding, Nutrition, Management & Health Care, VMD 513 Pet Animal Breeding, Management, Nutrition & Health Care, VPP 322 Aquatic Animal Disease, Health Care & Management, Major wildlife sanctuaries and reserves in India, Major wildlife sanctuaries and reserves of Andhra Pradesh, Major wildlife sanctuaries and reserves of Assam, Major wildlife sanctuaries and reserves of Goa, Major wildlife sanctuaries and reserves of Gujarat, Major wildlife sanctuaries and reserves of Himachal Pradesh, Major wildlife sanctuaries and reserves of Jammu & Kashmir, Major wildlife sanctuaries and reserves of Karnataka, Major wildlife sanctuaries and reserves of Kerala, Major wildlife sanctuaries and reserves of Madhya Pradesh, Major wildlife sanctuaries and reserves of Maharashtra, Major wildlife sanctuaries and reserves of Orissa, Major wildlife sanctuaries and reserves of Rajasthan, Major wildlife sanctuaries and reserves of Tamil Nadu, Major wildlife sanctuaries and reserves of Uttar Pradesh, Major wildlife sanctuaries and reserves of Uttaranchal, Other major wildlife sanctuaries and reserves of India, Determination of staple length, crimps, diameter and strength of wool fibre, Structure of wool and its differentiation from hair fibre.
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